It's a conspiracy!

By Help - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my family dragged me to an Alien-themed museum. They're convinced they were once abducted and felt up by creatures from outer space. They talk, and spend all their money, on nothing else. I'm hungry. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 749
You deserved it 2 982

Top comments

allinicolesmh 0

Ask your leader to make you a sandwich then..

jumpshot23 0

Time for someone to go beyond the final frontier and get a job!


OakChair 14

"I'm hungry"? I don't get how that's relevant.

Obviously its relevant because the OP is hungry but the parents spend all their money on seeing aliens in museums.

skyttlz 32

32- it's because OP's parents aren't buying food and they're wasting money on stupid stuff.

Family... I didn't get to pick mine either.

Keep a note of the shit your parents say and do. It would make some great bar stories, I'm sure.

Your family has more issues than most.

ImmaB3AST 7

They have these pornos on HBO called The Alien Sex Files where hot alien girls would seduce guys and girls and take over the world.... Sexually. Were the stars of that show there? :D

iMagzzzy 0