It's a conspiracy!

By Help - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my family dragged me to an Alien-themed museum. They're convinced they were once abducted and felt up by creatures from outer space. They talk, and spend all their money, on nothing else. I'm hungry. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 749
You deserved it 2 982

Top comments

allinicolesmh 0

Ask your leader to make you a sandwich then..

jumpshot23 0

Time for someone to go beyond the final frontier and get a job!


Marquelle53 0

Better find some alien food

smileydancer92 2

I kind of wish I was, aliens probably know how to have a good time. Listen to #71 though and best of luck.

It sucks that they think that and you have to put up with it, but maybe you should get a job? Quit complaining you're hungry when you buy your own food. And it'll get you time away from them.

I bet you Katy Perry's jealous of them.

Dress up as an alien and scare them!

Is your last name by any chance 'Tyler'?

MzZombicidal 36

I have a feeling your parents met at a ScyFi convention.