It's a conspiracy!

By Help - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my family dragged me to an Alien-themed museum. They're convinced they were once abducted and felt up by creatures from outer space. They talk, and spend all their money, on nothing else. I'm hungry. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 749
You deserved it 2 982

Top comments

allinicolesmh 0

Ask your leader to make you a sandwich then..

jumpshot23 0

Time for someone to go beyond the final frontier and get a job!


So you're life is ****** cuz you're hungry? -_-

jessesgirl14 16

Was it in Roswell NM?! That's where a lot of alien stuff is!! Lol

jessesgirl14 16

Some of those alien shops have cafes in them!

Tell the police, tell a teacher, tell someone who is not related to you and is in a position of authority. This sounds like neglect, and there are plenty of places to go where you can get a proper meal. Your local food bank will help you out too. Don't feel like you have to suffer because of your parents' choices.

All of yor family? Where were you when this happened?

In the real world, telling her parents to wake up.