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It's a gas gas gas

By FartyCar - 30/11/2018 17:30

Today, I found a bag of frozen broccoli in my car boot from when I went shopping 3 days ago. My whole car smells like farts now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 090
You deserved it 1 026

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OP: "Kids, the broccoli is no longer edible, and the car smells like it's full of farts." Kids: "YAAAAAAAAAY!"

crazycrochetlady 12

Time to buy febreeze, like a lot of febreeze.


OP: "Kids, the broccoli is no longer edible, and the car smells like it's full of farts." Kids: "YAAAAAAAAAY!"

crazycrochetlady 12

Time to buy febreeze, like a lot of febreeze.

I’ve never tried the “broccoli in the boot” excuse... I usually use the “deny it” approach for my car-farts...

Which immediately reveals you're the one who supplied it.

Wow, it was in your trunk for 3 days, and still frozen after all that time? Amazing!

Now you always have an excuse: "Oh, that's just the broccoli in the boot."

What did you think would happen after eating rotten broccoli?