It's just windy

By m…… - 05/08/2012 00:44 - United States - South Whitley

Today, my mom's intense fear of tornadoes caused her to break into the bathroom, drag me off the toilet while I was changing my tampon, and drag me to the basement with my pants around my ankles to join my father, brother, and my brother's best friend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 268
You deserved it 2 014

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What makes this story interesting is the possibility that there wasn't actually a tornado going on at the time.

I would probably throw my used tampon at her. That's just me though.


Must have been a bloody good time mate!

somehow, I read "intense fear of tomatoes"

GoogieWithers 22

Well at least the OP got the most embaressing moment of her life over and done with.

I think I would rather die in a tornado...:[ omg I would be horrified!

I've never seen a tornadoes before and I'm pretty sure I'll be scared crazy like that too I just wouldn't do that

sorry to hear! but hey theres always worse

xxkacixxo 2

I would have died of embarrassment

dishsoap10 9

...*clicks lock on bathroom door*

She broke in. That implies that the door was indeed locked

gators1995 30

Jesus Christ your mom was like a bat of hell!!! Imagine if a burglar broke in to the house and she was the only one there?