It's just windy

By m…… - 05/08/2012 00:44 - United States - South Whitley

Today, my mom's intense fear of tornadoes caused her to break into the bathroom, drag me off the toilet while I was changing my tampon, and drag me to the basement with my pants around my ankles to join my father, brother, and my brother's best friend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 268
You deserved it 2 014

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What makes this story interesting is the possibility that there wasn't actually a tornado going on at the time.

I would probably throw my used tampon at her. That's just me though.


I'm from Indiana :D That storm caused a tree to fall on our house :/

KiddNYC1O 20

I foresee many sleepovers for your brother's best friend...

Tell your mother that there are no tornadoes to be seen Period.

Should not we all have an intense fear of tornados they are dangerous right lmao

I'm from Indiana too! :D After a while, the"intense fear" only comes when you actually hear that a tornado has touched down somewhere near you. But OP I hope you could get your pants up before anyone got too much of a look!

Wow, sounds familiar to me. Same thing happened yesterday except my mom didn't break in, she just demanded an excuse of why I wasn't in the basement. And she told me to finish downstairs???

And you didn't find the time to pull ur pants up? Takes a second.

mccoole727 13

Hey im from indiana too! Our pour was out for hours and a tornado formed by our local kmart!

mccoole727 13

Thanks, i have no idea why i did that at all! I think i was going to say something about the pouring rain then erased it to tell about the power outage!

Well...if youre thinking about going after your brothers friend, at least you don't have to worry about that awkward nakedness and stuff...

I think I'd rather take my chances with the tornado than deal with that level of embarrassment.