It's just windy

By m…… - 05/08/2012 00:44 - United States - South Whitley

Today, my mom's intense fear of tornadoes caused her to break into the bathroom, drag me off the toilet while I was changing my tampon, and drag me to the basement with my pants around my ankles to join my father, brother, and my brother's best friend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 268
You deserved it 2 014

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What makes this story interesting is the possibility that there wasn't actually a tornado going on at the time.

I would probably throw my used tampon at her. That's just me though.


usmcheins 1

I guess you both were at that time of the month

I can just see an anime cartoon OP flailing down the hallway with blood spurting out while her Roadrunner mom speeds down the hall in a puff of smoke XD

Wow I can't even imagine if that happened to me! But keep in mind that she did it because she loved you. But, tell her that not every breeze is signaling a tornado! :) Sorry OP, I hope the awkwardness fades:)

My mom has an intense fear of escalators. So one time the elevator was broken at the subway station and we had to use the escalator. My mom was crouched over, hyperventilating. I tried rubbing her back to calm her but she just pushed me away, causing me to fall on at least 5 people....

slients_1234 0

No more eye contact with your family and brothers best friend anymore, the memory is forever there! Haha I'm sorry OP hopefully this will never happen again, I wish you luck recovering from your embarrassment!

lovebeecharmer 6

That is ridiculously disturbing. I'm so sorry.

ChrisTheCalm 9

Better start plotting revenge for your mother...

Um how old are you? You can't just let your mom drag you from the bathroom while your in there. Politely tell her you'll be there in 30 seconds.

That sucks, the only good thing about this is if ur brothers best friend liked u he probley doesnt anymore!