It's not what you think

By tessykins - 22/10/2009 07:41 - United States

Today, this guy who likes me accused me of cutting myself. I asked him what he was talking about, and he said, "Don't lie, I saw those scars on your thighs when we went swimming." I have stretch marks on my inner thighs, and now I have to explain them to him so he doesn't think I cut myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 376
You deserved it 3 302

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Cutting yourself on your inner thigh seems inordinately risky...something you'd think at least twice about before assuming. He sounds like a douchebag anyway.

One of my boyfriends was horrified when he saw my stretch marks, which really are not that bad compared to other girls. I explained to him what they were, and he felt so bad because he assumed that it must have hurt to leave such a scar. Boys can be very silly.


She should just say that they're birthmarks because they can appear anywhere and in any shape. Then say, "Why were you looking at my inner-thighs in first place?!"

FYL for having stretch marks.... Being fat must suck.

I'm guessing you've never seen a girl naked. Skinny girls get stretch marks too, chauvanistic douche.

You don't know what chauvinism is, just like 95% of the other feminist bitches that use it. Stop saying it.

I do, actually. And I'm not feminist at all, women are generally stupid. So **** off, please?

Well you used it incorrectly. Chauvinism refers to a feeling of superiority to those who belong to a different group. Such as white people thinking they are better than black people, black people thinking they are better than white people, women thinking they're better than men, and men thinking they are better than women. All forms of chauvinism. Racism and sexism are generally types of chauvinism, as is hating people solely based on their sexuality. The comment you replied to made no mention of women being inferior to men, or anything like that. I agree that a lot of women are stupid though.

Technically... couldn't the original comment have been chauvanistic toward people who are overweight? And really, all people are generally stupid; it's not just women.

Eh, I guess you could take it that way. I didn't really see much insulting or putting down, seemed more like pity IMO. Unless it was sarcasm. But either way I'm pretty sure she was saying it in the common "male chauvinist" way. And yeah, I had written after that "Actually, there's just a lot of dumb people in the world" or something to that effect but I don't know what happened to it.

I can see where you are coming from, but I meant obviously this man thought he was superior to the OP, coz of gender/fatness. Thanks for making it alot more clear, and I won't be so careless about using unclear terms.

Gender? I don't see one mention, or even an implication of, gender chauvinism in the FML or in the comment (not sure which one you're talking about). Seems like you ARE one of those women that try to find sexism in everything... And "being fat must suck" isn't really saying "I hate fat people." I think it was more sympathy, like I said earlier.

Either way, you can't assume she's fat just because she had stretch marks. Most girls get them during puberty, and even though they fade some, they never really go away completely. I have some stretch marks, and while some might call me chubby, my BMI is in the healthy range. Anyway, I've seen plenty of other girls who weren't fat who still had stretch marks. I've also seen fat girls who don't have stretch marks.

Wow, stretch marks and cut scars look absolutely nothing alike. FYL for having a moron crushing on you. Sorry.

I don't agree with the part about telling him they're birthmarks (because really? a birthmark that looks like a long line/stretch mark? No), but I agree with #34 about asking him why the hell he was looking at your inner thighs in the first place. Then I'd slap him for good measure and for being a pervert.

First of all, I'm not fat. :P I had a growth spurt last year and the marks are the product of that. They're fairly recent and still kinda pinkish-red, so I can see why they'd look like scars. Second of all, yeah, I haven't explained them to him, and I don't really intend to. I don't even really like him, haha. >.>

moonlight_daze 8

YDI for leading him on. Actually, you deserve much worse..

#58, wrong. Just tell him they're stretch marks and to go google it. He doesn't deserve an explanation if he makes stupid assumptions like that.

Okay, *I* don't personally care, but I'm just waiting for the comments from people saying "if you don't like him that much, what was he doing between your thighs?" hahahaha

moonlight_daze 8

Actually, #62, I was not wrong. I was right.

Actually #85 you were not right, you were wrong. There is nothing in this FML that suggests she was leading him on. Wtf are you talking about?

YourMooseyFate 0

:3 I understand, I have some on my hips (my guess either from losing a little weight or getting hips - YAY puberty), but they've faded and are just really pale compared to the rest of my paleness. I agree with #62, just tell him to Google it. Haha. And Y don't DI for "leading him on" or anything. Like I said before, boys, they are silly. :P

Moobug 4

OP, I promise you they fade even more. Mine are all over my stomach and hips, and they're flesh tone these days - I can only see them if I stand in natural light and turn until the sunken bits can be seen by the shadows cast.

lynSey 0

LOL LOL LOL. screw that weirdo. if he say that to me, id kick his happy sacks.

Pedix your a mix of funny and retarded keep it up sweetie your a winner =D

_Naboo_ 0

^THIS. But he was staring at your crotch area, which can be a good sign or a bad one. You shouldn't have to explain shit to him.

"I lost a ton of weight, and some guy cares about my welfare. FML."

Um. Do you even know what stretch marks are? It doesn't have to do with losing weight. You don't even need to be fat to begin with.

rocker_chick23 27

My best friend is a size 2 and has been one her whole life and she has stretch marks. Does that blow your tiny little mind #47?