It's not you it's me

By mei - 02/06/2021 02:01

Today, my boyfriend broke up with me because he found out I’m a firstborn. My last boyfriend broke up with me because my hair blows in my face when the car window is down, and the one before that broke up with me because I only sleep with one pillow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 509
You deserved it 215

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If these are the reasons they gave you either you misunderstood, or more likely there’s something they saw that was a major turnoff that they didn’t want to share because it makes them look shallow. Something like a massive BO problem or armpits that look like a Wookiee, or horrific political views.

I hope you’re in middle school, cause if you’re an adult and these are the reasons men are giving you, you are clearly not making good decisions on who to date!


What next, the break off because of your blood type?

buddhist_babe88 5

I feel ya. I got broken up with because it seemed like we were too much like friends. I don't sleep with my friends