It's not you, it's you

By Anonymous - 22/04/2016 20:20 - United States - San Francisco

Today, through a mutual friend, I met the girl of my dreams. After flirting and exchanging numbers with her, my friend confessed that she's liked me since the day we met. Now the girl of my dreams doesn't want to pursue a relationship with me out of respect for our friend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 643
You deserved it 1 765

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Honestly, if I were the friend, I wouldn't let myself get in the way of two people wanting to be together.

In a perfect world, you get the perfect girl and the perfect friend. In this world however, it seems you get neither. Life sucks sometimes.


That really sucks. If your friend is really a true friend she will put her feelings aside and encourage the two of you to get to know eachother. Who knows what could come of it!

I've been in a similar situation before. In high school I met a guy my first week there and we became really good friends. I introduced him to my friend (I offer refer to her as my sister) of 5 years at the time. They became good friends too. The three of us used to hang out all the time and had fun. Two years later we all went to a dance together. I told him that I was starting to have feelings for him, and he in return told me that he was considering asking out my friend (sister). This conversation happened with all three of us sitting at the same table. Of course it hurt at the time. The situation was made worse when she accepted his request. She had never so much as hinted to me that she might like him, so I was hurt for a while. I got over it soon enough though. I realized that my feeling for him were not that strong after all. Their relationship only lasted 6 months though. It was a brutal (very public) breakup (he broke up with her). I can understand now why their relation didn't last, and why I never had a chance in the first place, but that's neither here nor there. Many years later and she is still considered my sister, and him my friend.

What nonsense... Seems like she's not exactly the one...

Man whatever!! It's her fault because she waited until AFTER introducing y'all to confess smh the nerve of her

All I can say is tread carefully, remember reading a story where some chick lied to a guy so he wouldn't get a girl he deserved. It was an fml to be exact, she said she had feelings for him, she didn't but "didn't want to risk losing him" and it's total bs, the saying if I can't have you no one will strikes again

Have the strong will. Go get her. And she likes you.

How can you say she's your dream girl if you've only known her for one day?

That's such horseshit. Tell the friend that you're not interested and that you're interested in the girl of your dreams. Y'all are all adults. Not in high school.