It's on me

By Rockyio - 30/09/2009 17:45 - Canada

Today, it's my birthday. My best friend called me at work and offered to take me out to lunch. When he went to pay for the meal, his card was declined so I told him not to worry and that I would pay for the birthday meal. He looked at me and said, "It's your birthday?" He was serious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 387
You deserved it 3 607

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, at least you know that he is willing to be that nice on ANY day! Right?

Your best friend takes you out for dinner and offers to pay for the entire meal for no reason at all. How is this an FML? You have an awesome best friend :)


You are very self-centered. You have a friend who took you out to lunch for no reason, yet you still feel the need to complain. You're lucky to have a friend at all.

That's just what I was going to say. This isn't an FML at all if he's willing to pay for your meals on any old day. And who cares if he forgot your birthday? Maybe he forgot todays date. I only know a handful of my friends birthdays myself.

nonynony 0

Definitely. When friends remember your birthday, it means they've either been reminded by facebook, written it down elsewhere, or just have a good memory. It doesn't have much to do with how much they actually like you. A friend who will take you to lunch on a random day? THAT'S a great friend! ...unless he purposely did it to get a free lunch. If that's the case, then fyl.

You got a buddy there, not a girlfriend. No matter how well he kisses.

He's your best friend, not your husband, you whiny bitch*! The only one of my friends' birthdays I remember is the guy who has the same one as me! *I know the OP is male.

kenjiisown 1

True. I honestly thought it was written by a woman until I read the "man" part.

haha plexico... so funny that i forgot to crap myself :| the self proclaimed fml comment king strikes again! zing! ya that is sarcasm fyi

cherlana32 0

Dude Plexico is hilarious. You need to shut up with your complaining. "OMGZ someone forgot my birthday!!!" Who gives a ****? What are you, 3?

you again? i wasn't complaining. i was stating a funny thing that happened. do i sound pissed? noooooo chill already.

and your in a position to critique me? all i was doing was explain the back story. people read and assume

cherlana32 0

people read and assume what? and it's "you're"

Who cares? Side note: You're a MAN and you're complaining about this? Nut up dude, stop being a pussy. This is "bickering female" stuff.

liveandletlive89 0

heyhey, we have feelings too.

I don't know most of my friends' birthdays. If anything that makes him a better friend, he offered to buy you lunch just to be randomly nice.

@#18 i thought it was a woman til i read your comment

It says in the post "HE looked at me and said, "It's your birthday?" So they're both guys.

So? Guys don't know another guy's birthday, it's one of the laws of nature. There are only three birthdays a guy has to know: Own, mother, girlfriend/wife.

sbarre1 0

Not an FML at all. Suck it up. Also, gender doesn't seem to be relevant here, at all. O_o

Wow, I didn't know friends were expected to know each others' birthdays. I know a few of my friends' for random reasons (one of them is Halloween, etc) but I wouldn't feel uncomfortable or hurt in any way if a friend I've had for years asked me my birthday. He's not your boyfriend, chill out.