It's on me

By Rockyio - 30/09/2009 17:45 - Canada

Today, it's my birthday. My best friend called me at work and offered to take me out to lunch. When he went to pay for the meal, his card was declined so I told him not to worry and that I would pay for the birthday meal. He looked at me and said, "It's your birthday?" He was serious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 387
You deserved it 3 607

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, at least you know that he is willing to be that nice on ANY day! Right?

Your best friend takes you out for dinner and offers to pay for the entire meal for no reason at all. How is this an FML? You have an awesome best friend :)


So whats the problem? You have a best friend who comes by to take you out for lunch for no reason. Seems like a nice deal.

I can't really say this is an FYL, seeing as your friend took you out to lunch for no other reason except to spend time with you. But I can sympathize with people forgetting your birthday. I turned eighteen recently and my sister didn't talk to me all day. I was with my best friend, and she got a text from my sister asking about a job. My sister couldn't take 15 seconds to wish me a happy birthday, but could ask my friend about a job. So, I do understand. But be happy that you have a good friend, even if he did mix up your birthday.

Uh, not to be hateful or anything, but a job is considerably more important than your birthday. Yes it's easier to say "happy birthday" than to look into a job, but really... Also, if she was looking into said job, obviously she forgot because she was so concerned about it. You seriously gonna bitch about not getting a birthday wish from someone who's genuinely busy at the moment? Again, not really trying to spout negativity, just pointing out the obvious...

I'm sorry, I didn't exactly add very much info here. My sister is almost 20 years old, and has never had a job in her life (I've had a job since I was 16 years old). The job she was asking about was a job that my friend recently applied to, and hasn't secured the position yet. Had my sister been "so concerned" about the job, would she not have called the business in question, instead of texting my friend who doesn't even work there yet? That said, when my sister talked to me that evening ( parents asked her to come to my birthday dinner, she didnt make any special plans with me or anything) she explained that she hadn't talked to me because she "didn't wake up until 3pm", now does that sound like someone who honestly cared about the job in question? Also, I know for a fact that she didn't end up applying for the job. So basically, she spent her day sleeping and sitting at her friend's, who is a prostitute btw, house. She was not "genuinely busy". She sat at her friend's house all day. No doubt talking to various people, seeing as I can't get through a 15 minute conversation with her without her phone going off 5 or 6 times. She just didn't think to wish me a happy birthday. So yes, I was hurt. I spent alot of time and effort into getting her a nice gift, and spending time with her on her birthday 2 months previously, and it wasn't a big deal because she's my sister. But, not only did she not get me anything (no big deal, she doesn't have a job, and I don't really expect anything from anyone), she didn't even take time out of her "busy" scedule to text/call me.

bigcrazymike 6

Why do you care if your male friend remembers your bday? Aren't you a guy?

So someone who is just friends isn't important to you then? Ignorant prick.

fuxkthis2 0

Wow, yeah my ex-boyfriend did that to me. He called me and I had a feeling he completely forgot about it, since he never said "Happy Birthday" over the phone. I told him to meet me at a restaurant. He was taking forever, so I went to his work, saw him sitting with his co-worker chatting it up like that day was nothing special. I asked "Do you realize what day it is?" His response was "It's your birthday!" That was the worst birthday ever. We broke up the next day.

cherlana32 0

Haha, sorry, just felt the need to clafiry myself. I'm not usually one to get upset over something so small. People forget, no big deal. But it was really a different story completely, seeing as she just felt it unnecessary or not woth her time. I was just hurt.

cherlana32 0

haha it's ok. I have a short attention span :)

SkateboardGirl88 11
brando_jones96 0

well someone didnt check facebook that morning

Just because it's your birthday and a friend offers to take you out, doesn't automatically mean he knows it's your birthday.

He's a guy. Guys aren't required to remember birthdays, except for their children's birthdays.