It's probably considered art

By firestar772 - 11/02/2013 15:48 - United States - Santa Barbara

Today, my dog ate a whole case of my son's paintballs, because apparently they are made of a fish byproduct. Not only does the whole house smell like fish, there are countless bright yellow dog turds all over the house and our yard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 034
You deserved it 4 477

Same thing different taste

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RealTalk0 7

Sounds to me like your dog is interested in art..bright, yellow, fecal art.

I'll bet the NEA would give him an endowment and call his work "groundbreaking". I mean, if a guy can pose in a jar and drop a crucifix in it and get a grant...

Normal people go...ugh that's disgusting! I go...hmmmm what if the dog ate many different colors would his poop be brown again?

You are so much more creative and brilliant than "most" people

Ha. I was raised that way...but I think mixing ALL the colors is the most disappointing moment in art class history. But this thought came from, well feed him different colors at different times and invest in air fresheners ? but then the thought came...what if it's just a disapointing brown color...not worth it. (BY THE WAY I LOVE ANIMALS AND WOULDN'T WANT ONE TO COME TO HARM<---before anyone accuses me of anything.)

I'd make sure that those paintballs are 100% natural, otherwise your dog could have some serious health issues.

Yellow fish bi-product doesn't sound 100% natural. Unless it was from yellowfish.

Great, now I can't look at the yellow dashes on the road

perdix 29

Better than the dog finding other balls and the whole house smelling of peanut butter.

Hey at least you can see these land mines. And if someone steps on one you'll know who it is.