Good boy

By Anonymous - 06/10/2023 19:30 - Canada

Today, I took my dog to the park. It had recently rained, and he started rolling in something unidentifiable. When I got home, I discovered it was a mixture of mud and who knows what else. Now my house smells like a swamp. FML
I agree, your life sucks 488
You deserved it 273

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's not unidentifiable and I know what. I'm not going to ruin your day by spilling the beans, but it sounds like a... ...wait on it... ...shitty situation.

please, please tell me why on God's green earth did you not either hose him off outside or take him strait to the tub for a bath. ydi for letting him sink up the house.. just sayin...


It's not unidentifiable and I know what. I'm not going to ruin your day by spilling the beans, but it sounds like a... ...wait on it... ...shitty situation.

please, please tell me why on God's green earth did you not either hose him off outside or take him strait to the tub for a bath. ydi for letting him sink up the house.. just sayin...

Maybe he's got the kind of house/apartment where you go directly from the sidewalk to the porch, with the bathroom located in the back for good measure. It also sounds like the kind of dog who is too big to carry into our arms, and those dogs love to shake themselves in the hallway. He could maybe have brought a pail of water to the sidewalk to wash the dog, but this good boy would certainly have wanted to follow his master all the way to the broom closet where the pail is, so what's the point?

Dog shenanigans like this is why I'm a cat person. Anyway, YDI for letting your dog roll around in that crap.