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It's sus to us

By Clean up time - 15/11/2023 08:00

Today, I sat my husband down for a talk for him to stop going to his female coworker’s house until 1-2am. He insists they’re doing work projects. He became so offended that I thought otherwise that he thrashed the entire living room, stomped out of the house, and slammed the door, completely dislodging it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 929
You deserved it 147

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He's pissed that you figured it out. Go find a decent divorce lawyer. You'll A, never entirely trust him again. B, that temper really isn't safe to be in the same relationship with and C, he clearly thinks he can treat you like an idiot without you having a problem with it.

He’s acting offended because he’s busted.


He's pissed that you figured it out. Go find a decent divorce lawyer. You'll A, never entirely trust him again. B, that temper really isn't safe to be in the same relationship with and C, he clearly thinks he can treat you like an idiot without you having a problem with it.

He’s acting offended because he’s busted.

Take photos of what he did to your home. Get a divorce lawyer immediately. Secure your home with the lawyer so that your husband has to vacate ASAP for your safety, if that's possible. Look into getting a restraining order; you may need to press charges. Do all this with your safety in mind.

cpguru24 16

Get out now. Even if remotely (and I mean some deserted star in another galaxy remotely) he is not doing anything wrong, to have that kind of reaction with a significant other is very red flag of him. Get out and thank your lucky stars.

varren 3

tell him .. that you don’t appreciate that behavior.. and you don’t like him staying late.. and you WILL leave him.. if he does it again.. and you don’t deserve this..