Itchy arse

By DaggerHole - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, I learned the worst part about being dared to shave your ass hair: Stubble. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 353
You deserved it 16 669

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Should have chosen "truth". On the other hand, I'm sure you have a sexy five o'clock shadow now. Too bad it's where the sun don't shine.


Was this in a game of truth or dare? Because watching someone shave their ass doesn't sound all that fun to me.

1jordan1 11

QUESTION: do all sexually active women shave "down there", and if they do, how much do they shave off?

Brightbulb 39

Wax, get the Brazilian it covers the whole front and crack. It also lasts longer and doesn't itch like hell and doesn't rash/create ingrowns which suck.

Everyone is saying OP should have chosen truth instead of dare, and asking about women shaving their nether regions. Does no one realize that OP is a male? :O lol But yeah, OP, that's not cool! And because you shaved it once, what grows back will most likely be thicker/darker for the rest of your life.

@72 Yeah that's not really how hair works, it grows at a pretty constant rate/composition. The reason you may THINK it grows back darker could be that sometimes people will shave their arms/legs after not doing so ever/after a long period of time, if they're in the sun a lot the hairs could lighten. When you shave off the lightened hair your normal hair color will grow back up. OP probably doesn't sun his ass very often therefore the hair will grow back pretty much the exact same. As for thicker? No that's wrong too, maybe the hair gets smoother after it is washed with soap and excess conditioner after a while but like I said before, your hairs not going to just change composition because you shaved the top part of it off >.>

Props to you for being flexible enough to shave your own ass though!

thatg1ng3r 13

why would you shave your ass? I get armpits and legs for girls and backs for guys, but why your ass?

Read the dare part and it might make sense to you ;)

A nice shaved ass makes for a nice shaved feel

1- Atleast now you won't have tracks in your underwear because you'll wipe better. 2- it won't smell from sweat or poop sticking to the hair 3- use lotion to help with itching 4- grow up, being dared to do something is for 12 yr olds.

bunny409 14

google "dont shave your ass hair best of craigslist" best story ever