
By lonely girl - 02/07/2013 06:47 - United States - Oregon City

Today, I got angry after not being able to have an orgasm. What was I angry at? My own hand. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 377
You deserved it 22 819

Same thing different taste

Top comments

.... Find a man! It shouldn't be hard if you want sex.


tortugaqueso 6

since no one's mentioned it yet watch some **** you'd be surprised at how well it'd turn you on and that's sometimes what you need to make you big O

I shudder to think what if she was trying her hand cuz the boyfriend is no good??? and the males get blamed all the time ;-)

Don't stress so much about orgasming it makes it harder to achieve one. If you're on any medication look up the side effects to see if any are sex related. My anti-depressant makes it hard for me, basically the only thing you can do is to relax your mind and enjoy yourself. There's also other masturbation techniques you could try. Perhaps you just aren't doing it right.

Mine tends to get the job done... But I am a man too, so that might be the reason.

kewpiesuicide 29

Wear socks lol. It's proven that having warm feet will help you ****** easier.

Anything I can do to help, just let me know.