Jan scams again

By jb100 - 24/07/2015 20:08 - United States - Perryville

Today, as I was working at a bakery, a woman stormed in, cut in front of the line, and began yelling at me. She claimed I didn't give her a sandwich earlier and demanded a refund. She got the refund out of my paycheck, and as she was leaving she muttered, "Ha, works every time." FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 269
You deserved it 2 201

Same thing different taste

Top comments

People really suck sometimes! Your manager should've insisted on a receipt or proof of purchase, instead of taking money from your pay! Sorry OP!

Do you not have cameras for just that situation?


Karma will **** her with a rake one day for that

butterfingers583 21

that is crap, you really need to talk to your manager.

I once had a manager that would tell us all not to refund a lady that did that kind of thing. "I don't care how many receipts she brings. You are not allowed to give her a dime." Of course she screams (yes screams across the supermarket) for the manager who promptly gave her a refund. I called him out the second time he did that to me. I told him in front of the customers that if he is going to threaten to write me up if I refund her then give to her him self just to make me look like an asshole I was never refusing her again. I told him she could bring me a bag of sand and I will give her money back. Receipt or no. He tried to yell at me later in private but I didn't care about the job at that point and screamed back louder and threw shit around. I kept my job and he never tried to pull that bs with me again. Sometimes being the only one in the store that bothered to lean everything comes in handy.

dirtbikeguy 14

no morals. sorry some people are so ignorant. I worked for an online store and we dealt with that too, people will make anything up to get free stuff they dont deserve.

F that job. Get a new job that is worth taking a customer like that. Always remember karma is a bitch

Uh a customers refund can't come out of your paycheck. You need to get that back

tiredofwaiting 25

File a police report that is fraud. Or make her show her receipt for proof.

tiredofwaiting 25

Another option you could do is make sure you record on this on camera then show your supervisor.

ApparentlyNotEno 28

In the States unless your employer has it written into your contact they cannot legally decrement your pay for anything except hours not worked. Contact your local labour commission!