Jesus freak

By Max Flynn - 20/05/2011 10:07

Today, while driving, a minivan cut me off. Pissed, I started honking and cursing. I then went ballistic when the driver waved out the window, smiling. It wasn't until I was at a stoplight that I noticed their "Honk if you love Jesus" bumper sticker. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 407
You deserved it 15 736

Same thing different taste

Top comments

vatechrules1 0

haha at least it wasn't a pedophile with a honk if you're horny

Jellybean2705 0

I really don't think anyone would take the time to look at bumper stickers after being cut off.


bargarlm 2

people with road rage have problems. YDI grumpy

perdix 29

With all that honking, the driver must have thought you loved Jesus in that creepy, stalker-ish way. The driver was trying to tell you that Jesus loves you, but He's not "in love" with you, and that it's not you, it's Him.

That didn't throw you into an even deeper and more belligerent rage? He knew you were pissed and succeeded in trolling you. Should've rammed him off the road like an action hero, causing explosions and maiming hundreds.

wtf? this is the dumbest thing I have ever read. you sound like a retarded psycho.

mandymadness 0

haha they cut ppl off on purpose! I bet. lol

NecromancerA7X 0

**** religion. I hate Jesus because he's a liar.

Crazy4Christ 0

have some respect. tho I disagree with you, I respect your belief. have respect for others as well

ReynshineCutting 10

I expect this will end up moderated before too long so I'm not even gonna go there.

NecromancerA7X 0

**** religion. I hate Jesus because he's a liar.

Crazy4Christ 0