Joe Smooth

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Hebron

Today, I went on my first date. Everything went great until I went to brush my date's hair over her ear like they do in the movies. I poked her dead in the eye. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 299
You deserved it 16 645

Top comments

You must have some seriously bad depth perception or hand eye coordination. FYL

From being on FML as long as I have...Ive learnt it's never good to try to be perfect or like what they do in movies. It's better to go at your own pace.


I read " I poked her dead in the eye " as you you rammed her with your man meat in the eye sockets until she literally bled out and died. Wow your date wasn't that bad after all !

I think you have too Much imagination and too little reality...

dixiefoxx 22

Edit: i should refrain from commenting before 5 am when I'm fully conscious . That definitely went too far , even for my taste. Thumbing my self down.

On the bright side op, at least she didn't turn into a zombie and try to eat you..

Clearly I am the only person to ever see the movie "Zombieland" You guys need to get out more..

Ghosto 16

I actually think it's kinda cute to have embarrassing moments like that. As long as she's fine just make it a joke. "Remember our first date when I almost blinded you cause I was trying to be romantic and failed?" And it'll be a cute memory.

WrongRomance 11

Surely if you explain that it was an accident, it will blow over. If I were her I would think it was kind of cute, like you were nervous or something :)

You're still good. I'm sure you two can get over you blinding just one eye. I mean come on does she really need two?

xStaciexLynnx 15

I voted ydi only because of the 'like they do in the movies' part. Be yourself! Not much in a relationship will be like the movies. My boyfriend elbowed me pretty hard in the eye once and we laugh about it to this day. Hopefully it will be the same for you- no hard feelings!

lmao made my day... all good relatioships start like that. good luck..

Just buy her safety goggles for the second date :)