Joe Smooth

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Hebron

Today, I went on my first date. Everything went great until I went to brush my date's hair over her ear like they do in the movies. I poked her dead in the eye. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 299
You deserved it 16 645

Top comments

You must have some seriously bad depth perception or hand eye coordination. FYL

From being on FML as long as I have...Ive learnt it's never good to try to be perfect or like what they do in movies. It's better to go at your own pace.


iv been elbowed in the face on a first date when the guy tried to put his arm round me. its a good ice breaker i suppose

Fine motor skills are a turn on, just saying.

Haha, at least you'll have a funny story to tell later :) and if you make it to the second date, you could give her some safety glasses as a gag gift~

zebrastars 5

dont worry. I'm sure if you explained she would be flattered by what you were trying to do. especially if the date was going well to begin with

Don't worry. My current boyfriend once elbowed me in the eye, we're almost together for half a year now (: I'm sure she'll notice you were just trying to be sweet :)

I've done that, too. It never works, don't even try it.