John Tucker would've known what to do.

By Dan - 09/10/2017 04:30

Today, in a rush, I accidentally wore my sister's underwear. I'm a guy. I had gym class today. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 683
You deserved it 3 117

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Donut_Wizard 23

How do you "accidentally" wear someone else's underwear? Did you accidentally fall through the leg holes and accidentally pull up it up?

really_dad? 14

"Oh no! These are cotton panties! I wear lacy lingerie! My reputation is over!"


yeah. the difference between women's underwear and men's are so hard to differentiate. and you didn't realize right then and you just left? I think you just forgot about gym class. but I guess your friends can all start calling you Joey now.

Did you get any catcalls from your sexy underwear? ?

CBL88 25

Honestly, just go into the barhroom beforehand and take the undies off and go comando. Unless you are wearing jeans with holes in all the wrong places - then it's a no no!

ProperPengTing 15

If anyone comments, just tell them you lost a bet.

ProperPengTing 15
Scáthach_1699204304 5

“Accidentally” being the operative word.

Scáthach_1699204304 5

Nobody accidentally wears their sisters underwear. Too funny.

randybryant799 20

Nice try but I don't think so. I don't think it was a mistake at all.