Just a prank, bro

By iscreamforicecream - 01/06/2011 11:53 - United States

Today, while I was sleeping, my girlfriend took my phone and set the ringtone to a bloodcurdling scream. I found this out when I received a call while driving to work and, thinking someone was being murdered in my backseat, I panicked and swerved into a parked car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 453
You deserved it 5 746

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fatalblue06 0

I totally can picture that in my mind. XD

Jrefinne 7

I always check the back seat when I get in.


FMLsOhilarious 6

Omg, I'm so sorry this happened to you. I probably would've had a similar reaction but I just had to laugh! I'm crying right now this is so funny! Once again, I'm sorry this happened to you and FYL indeed.

tmmundy 17

OMG....that is soooo funny. I can't stop laughing. I've got to try that.

lovepebbles 1

im sry but im laughing so hard right now!!!

curlyfry33 8

ever sense i saw zombie land i check the backseat, u never know wen a ninja zombie is around

If she set your ringtone as a "bloodcurdling scream" while you were asleep, how did you not wake up? You must be a REALLY heavy sleeper

I like your girlfriends sense of humor. ;)