Keep cool
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Denver
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Denver
at least u weren't there to witnesses it
-sarcasm-Oh yeah, no big deal. Just... losing everything material you own. But I mean, come on, who cares about that? -end sarcasm- They really need to make a font for this.
Definitely need a special font for sarcasm.
Your "-sarcasm-" declaration ruined the effect.
I know and agree with you. But then writing -sarcasm- made me read it as a part of the text the first time.. it was a bit confusing. Though, we do need a FONT for it. Then i guess more than 90% comments will be in that font.
Do any of you *actually* believe that OP posted this while *inside* a burning house?! So many people are saying "get out of there." Seriously guys! If you got a call that your house was on fire, I would hope your first thought wouldn't be "this would make an awesome post on FML!" Also, how big must OP's house need to be for them to be inside it & not know it's on fire & need someone to call them to inform them? I'm certain OP wasn't at their house! OP, I'm very sorry about your house. I hope you didn't lose everything. & I hope you had insurance.
So many people are saying get out? Read every single comment and there is one and its obviously a joke even with that one...
The house can be big - like a villa or even a normal house. OP might be on the top floor and the kitchen caught fire, sleeping, anything..lots of explanations for that. But yes, we do express our grievance for the house's fiery demise.
Why wouldn't the person calling you just call the Fire Department?...
They could already be there
The roof! The roof! The roof is on fire!!!
Then you better get some water before it burns down.
well....... was it?
I kind of lost the meaning after the first line.. can I have it in plain English?
So... was your house on fire or was it just a horrible prank call?
Yep OP, Stay calm. Don't break into a sweat. This is very regular.
Ummm...I'm assuming at least you're not in your house? I mean, better safe than sorry, right?