Keep your eyes peeled

By "ironyyyyyyy" -_- - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Marion

Today, I gave a short presentation at a neighborhood watch event to raise awareness about pickpocketing and to give tips on how to avoid becoming a victim of it. After I got back home, I realized my wallet was missing from my pocket. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 364
You deserved it 6 358

Same thing different taste

Top comments

flashback.miss 28

cruel, cruel irony, indeed....hopefully you were able to cancel your cards and didn't suffer too big a monetary loss.

Now you'll have to avoid giving them tips on how to avoid grand theft auto too. Even avoid giving tips on how to play GTA. You don't want to push your luck.


perdix 29

Inadvertently, you are an excellent trainer. Fagin would be proud of you.

I am so sorry. But it is incredibly ironic.... and a bit funny. But still, I'm sorry

"You've got to pick-a-pocket or two?" Sounds like the Artful Dodger is still on the loose!

I think that the pickpocket person is one of the people you least expect

I would have left my valuables at home for that reason...

that way they come home to a credit score of 300

Follow the blood trail to the guy who bit a hole in his lip to keep from laughing.

lol... so your advice isn't all that good