By calli - 25/12/2009 21:21 - United Kingdom
Same thing different taste
By Fuck irony - 29/10/2017 10:00 - United States - Binghamton
By yermom - 13/12/2010 07:41 - United States
By fire0fisis - 03/02/2009 21:46 - United States
By life_suxxx - 06/12/2009 07:43 - United States
Should've stayed home, basically
By SoftwareDev - 27/06/2017 02:00 - South Africa - Johannesburg
Keep your eyes peeled
By "ironyyyyyyy" -_- - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Marion
By pillowless - 13/10/2011 14:41 - United States
Bad day, huh?
By evenpoorer - 16/03/2010 05:19 - United States
By Anonymous - 18/02/2011 21:36 - United States
By XYZee - 22/08/2012 20:27 - United States - Rockmart
Top comments
Wowwww... YDI
What do you expect? look after your stuff
My first thought, why leave all that stuff around a group of desperate people who don't HAVE those things. Obviously there's going to be >at least< one person who's gunna take it.
My friend was working at a Holiday event almost like a soup kitchen, and he left his cellphone in his jacket, and his jacket on a chair a few feet away from him.. Some guy took the cellphone out of his jacket, a bunch of people saw him, and all pointed him out when my friend was looking for his phone(no one stopped him or and only one person told my friend, even though a lot of people saw it happen). People just suck. With my friend it was a volunteer who took it, so don't think badly of the people who go to the soup kitchen: It could have been a volunteer who took it.
Yeah, when I volunteer, I leave as many valuables home as I can, and the rest get locked in my glove box, inside a car that is also locked with a security alarm set. I hate to say it, but YDI. Doesn't seem you thought this through.
Agree with #7; if you leave your stuff around people who don't have anything, obviously there's a good chance that they'll be stolen. Also, a pager? Really? Unless you're a doctor or something, nobody uses those! outdated technology much? Haha
I have to say that I agree. A part of me wants to say FYL because your stuff got stolen, and that always sucks. However, you did know that you were going to be working at a place that serves to a very high risk population, so there is definitely a huge YDI as well. Maybe you should have kept your stuff in your car, at home, or on you.
that sucks.... u helped out at a soup kitchen and this is wat u get? merry christmas
What do u expect, there poor/homeless of course there gonna take your stuff, 2day is christmas think of it as giving presents to ppl u dont know lol.
* they're
Please don't go typing "txt talk" here. There is no character limit here.
Ah, I'm torn between YDI and FYL... never, never, never, never bring your electronics or wallet into a shelter or soup kitchen (dammit!). If you drove yourself, either lock up or carefully carry only your license, keys, and any money you need to get home. I know its Christmas, and you want to expect the best from people, but the holidays also bring out the worst desperation in people. That's why this week is one of the highest for car break-ins and robberies.
thats true, sad but true
YDI for screwing up your verb tenses.
I never said I was the better human being : )...and I think you're taking me just a little too seriously...a lot more seriously than I took myself as I wrote it! I'm neither obese nor a highschooler, but my face isn't pimple-free. If it'd make you feel better you can make fun of me for it. I hope your Christmas was great!
this is exactly why i hate people. i don't care if you're homeless or not, i hate everyone. you take time out of your day to do something nice for someone and they spit right in your face. what is this fuckery?
i agree
That sucks:/

this is exactly why i hate people. i don't care if you're homeless or not, i hate everyone. you take time out of your day to do something nice for someone and they spit right in your face. what is this fuckery?
YDI for still having a pager