Keep your eyes peeled

By "ironyyyyyyy" -_- - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Marion

Today, I gave a short presentation at a neighborhood watch event to raise awareness about pickpocketing and to give tips on how to avoid becoming a victim of it. After I got back home, I realized my wallet was missing from my pocket. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 364
You deserved it 6 358

Same thing different taste

Top comments

flashback.miss 28

cruel, cruel irony, indeed....hopefully you were able to cancel your cards and didn't suffer too big a monetary loss.

Now you'll have to avoid giving them tips on how to avoid grand theft auto too. Even avoid giving tips on how to play GTA. You don't want to push your luck.


Little_Lamb_fml 13

Looks like you should listen to your own advice.

You've got to pick a pocket or two! ;)

I always buy chain wallets and I place them in my front pockets. It drives me insane when I see an iPhone in someone's back pocket and I want to tap them on the shoulder and tell them to put it somewhere that isn't saying "See me? I'm here. Take me!"

You have an infiltrator warning he knows about you guys!!

Report it lost and check with your neighbors or ask the police to check with your neighbors OP this is a very serious crime and whoever did it must be put to justice ;)

Oh the irony. Id bet the pickpocketer was someone who was listening to you and likes a good joke.