By JordanVilleneuve - 28/01/2011 03:35 - Canada

Today, I went to the park and sat down on a bench to enjoy my coffee. I heard a few young girls behind me talking about how their first experience of sex was. I turned around to see how old these girls really were. One of them was my daughter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 329
You deserved it 7 549

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sallen0046 4

You're obviously not very observant. What kind of parent sits in front of their child and doesn't notice them, and then doesn't recognize their voice when sitting close enough to hear the entire conversation? If your daughter is young enough for this to be truly a 'life-******* situation' to you, you should be keeping better tabs on what she's doing in the first place.


pwincessa23 1

1, how does that ensure she won't die alone??? Op, how did you bit recognize your own daughter's voice???

pwincessa23 1

I meant not instead of bit. & how did your daughter not recognize you? I know your back was turned to them but I can recognize my parents from the back. I guess their conversation was too interesting. hahahaha

one of them was his daughter, doesn't mean she was the only one speaking; if speaking at all

44 is correct. Scroll down to comment #132; the OP has graced us with his presence. I'll save y'all the trouble: the daughter was 12, and she was not talking.

if the girls are about 13 then I see why it's so bad but if they're around 18 or 19 then it really isn't THAT bad.

Dominique001 0

Scroll down to see OPs comment. The answer is 12.

Gravitational 8

Oh God that Account picture fits perfectly into his comment.

u dont even know your daughters voice ?!:O u had to look!:L

gusgus36 5

maybe it was mostly the friend doing the majority of the talking at that point in the conversation

bad parenting, all around... canadians.

Maybe it sounded familiar. Clearly that's why she turned around to check

145- Yeah, and what about america? at least we dont die more from obeseity than smoking. More to the point, kids in america are more likely to get preggers by 16 than kids in canada, a lot more likely. So buddy, would you kindly please find a secluded area and go **** yourself before you try to say a whole country is bad at parenting


This guy is a real pimp...he can HEAR young girls behind him :O

I'll save u #5, "This guy's a real pimp... he's the one who gave all of those girls their first sexual experience"

sallen0046 4

You're obviously not very observant. What kind of parent sits in front of their child and doesn't notice them, and then doesn't recognize their voice when sitting close enough to hear the entire conversation? If your daughter is young enough for this to be truly a 'life-******* situation' to you, you should be keeping better tabs on what she's doing in the first place.

op never said his daughter spoke, she could have been silent.

they could have arrived after OP sat down.

sallen0046 4

If OP's daughter wasn't discussing her sexual activities, what exactly is the problem? All adolescents discuss these things. If they've had discussions about appropriate sexual behavior at her age, and contraception, there shouldn't be a problem.

And what is defined as "appropriate sexual behavior" for a 12 year old (as that was how old the daughter was), #165?

She wasn't sitting in front of them, dumbass, since she said she had to TURN AROUND to see them.

dodzin 9
boredatwork11 2

that what he told his daughter

ravensunnyd 0
psycho15 0

#80 i am psycho but atleast you would know if she virgin or not who care not the old days.

MzZombicidal 36

This whole thread is just disgusting and idiotic.

... you didn't recognise your daughter's voice?