Keeping it in the family

By Drew - 05/08/2010 05:18 - United States

Today, I discovered that my mom is having an affair… with her cousin. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 701
You deserved it 4 353

Same thing different taste


does that count as incest? or is incest just with your siblings?

is she from alabama??? oh and a good song for family gatherings would be W.T.P by eminem! if you never heard it listen to it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i live in texas and ive never seen anyone do this! o.o

loski87 4

I knew you lived in the south the second I read this op

Order66 0

Cue 'Dueling Banjos'. And OP must be from West Texas. The civilized areas of the great state are not infested with family trees that cross-over. though we do get 'immigrants' from the deep south...

My mother had an affair with her cousin too about 10 years ago. It turned out pretty okay. In the end she realized that the grass is NOT greener on the other side and left him to try to go back to my stepfather. My stepfather was reluctant at first to take her back but, like an idiot Christian he is, said that he should since the bible says he should. They've been miserable ever since. The moral of the story? Don't take back incestuous cheaters because you may be miserable for the rest of your life. Not only is the trust gone but every time they **** he must realize who's also been in there. Plus he should be afraid that she'd do it again. Once a cheater always a cheater /cool story bro


.......op.......I feel your pain.......only my version is different but with somewhat the same concept. >.<

irishleaf 0