By epistaxis - 29/01/2009 02:31 - Australia

Today, my nephew asked me how babies are made. I thought he'd had this chat with his mom, but I went in to it again. After a 20 minute 'discussion', he says "So what about the good stuff - get to the blowjobs and the lesbians." He's 11. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 734
You deserved it 3 959

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OH my god, this just made my day! What's the world coming to?

teethingtom 0

Tell your nephew I need my penthouse back


OH my god, this just made my day! What's the world coming to?

Kurg 0

where is my other comment???

Kurg 0

Grrr why does it always skip the first comment I post. I was saying it's scary, I'm only thirteen yet I see kids that are years younger than me, talking about stuff I never knew about when I was their age.

iluvneon 0

Parents and adults blame it on tv but most of the stuff kids learn they hear at school on the bus, in the locker room , etc

More like, what ISN'T the world coming to?

86, Cyanide and Happiness? Nice. OP, this is awesomely hilarious but still disturbing.

Those two statements are very conflicting.

MCart_fml 0

I started using the internet at age 8. By 11 I knew more than what's included in the "everything you ever wanted to know..." book. Tell his parents to get an internet filter, but it's probably faaaar too late for that.

Tell him about Alaskan pipelines and roman showers. :D

I already knew about sex when I was 11. And what's wrong with lesbians?

Igniculus 0

Some people aren't into lesbians. Personally, I think some are hot. OP, teach him about protection.

arienh4 0

I knew this kind of stuff at age 6 actually. A friend of mine, who was 4 years older told me. Well, the phrases. In The Netherlands we have a 'kindertelefoon' (childphone) which is a number you can call and talk about anything. Including sexual terms. If you're six.

hapy_pig098 13

I learned in 3rd grade since i mostly hung out with guys and this is embarassing but i thought ladys had to get thier stomach cut to get the baby out and not that they had to push it out of "that" hole until i was 11

Well, there are cesarean sections as well. I think that's how you spell that...

Well, there are cesarean sections as well. I think that's how you spell that...

Yeah, I was pretty well-versed in this stuff by the time I was 8.

StapleInBrain 0

OMG!!!!I'm laughing my ass of right now