Kinda harsh, don't ya think?

By are you kidding me???? - 20/07/2012 04:58 - United States - Chaplin

Today, my boss fired me for "fooling around" on my phone. I was looking for supplies for a surprise party we are throwing him for his birthday, and I didn't want to do it on my work computer because he has access to our history. Also, this happened during my lunch break. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 383
You deserved it 1 953

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Talk to HR he can't fire you for making personal calls during your lunch break. FYL OP.

nikkimizu 12


You should buy a bullet and rent a gun.

Just wait until the surprise party and when that comes be like "remember that time you fired me..."

There probably isn't gonna be a surprise party now that op got fired.

Yeah op I really hope he found out that you were hiding something from him and pretended to fire you as a revenge, and that he really was kidding... He CANNOT fire you when you are on a break!

If its a paid break and you're still on company time, technically he can. However, if it's a break you clock out for, like a lunch break, as long as you're not being an embarrassment to the company, you can pretty much do whatever you damn well please. Once you clock out you quit being an employee & representation of the company and you become a customer.

I would just use the opportunity to look for a better job with a better boss who wasn't a dick.

And I'm sure you protested and explained the situation when he fired you rather than simply hanging your head, saying "ok", and sulkily leaving. Right? Right??

tmmundy 17

I would hope so. But because this is on FML, I'm thinking op just packed his belongings and went quietly...if so, op needs to grow up and learn to open his mouth once in a while, and he may just have his job still.

hockeyoceancity 13

Then the surprise would be all ruined! Darn it lose lose situation.

Wow... Well look at the bright side; You are no longer working for this idiot.

Clamcreepy 7

You dropped the phone and ran off in tears with a trail of water leading to the top of the building planning to release your soul from your body until he said "sike!, it was a joke" right?

Well i guess his birthday will suck lol

catanita 18

This is not right. What you do on your lunch break is your business. You could sue him.

Why do you all think that you should sue him. If he wants to fire someone he can. Mabye he was being replaced by an illegal immigrant and his boss didn't want him to run around and say "They took our jobs".

Um, probably because, it's illegal, or at the very least, unethical, to fire someone for using their phone while on their lunch break. OP was probably clocked out and, therefore, NOT on company time while using their phone. So they shouldn't have been fired! THAT'S why OP should sue his dumbass boss!

sounds more like a surprise for you .