Kinda harsh, don't ya think?

By are you kidding me???? - 20/07/2012 04:58 - United States - Chaplin

Today, my boss fired me for "fooling around" on my phone. I was looking for supplies for a surprise party we are throwing him for his birthday, and I didn't want to do it on my work computer because he has access to our history. Also, this happened during my lunch break. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 383
You deserved it 1 953

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Talk to HR he can't fire you for making personal calls during your lunch break. FYL OP.

nikkimizu 12


I almost got fired as well because i took my phone out during my lunch break. They arent paying you so technically they shouldnt be able to ban the use of your personal products

Surprise! Bet you didn't see that one coming if it was your lunch break he shouldn't have complained about it, your lunch break is for eating, checking up on family, etc.

ouch. What a nasty, misunderstanding. Now you can either risk his surprise party, or risk unemployment until his party is over.

* ouch. What a nasty, misunderstanding. I think you should get a better job. Anything, that has an employer who is mature about his/her choices.

Sanchez1984 6

You should Sue he can't do that he's crazy

Damn what a dick..I would've ruined the surprise for him then.

Appeal it...also when the party happens you can give why you were fooling around....