Kinda harsh, don't ya think?

By are you kidding me???? - 20/07/2012 04:58 - United States - Chaplin

Today, my boss fired me for "fooling around" on my phone. I was looking for supplies for a surprise party we are throwing him for his birthday, and I didn't want to do it on my work computer because he has access to our history. Also, this happened during my lunch break. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 383
You deserved it 1 953

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Talk to HR he can't fire you for making personal calls during your lunch break. FYL OP.

nikkimizu 12


Nothing to lose now, might as well tell him what you were up to and see if it changes his attitude. If not, then you're better off not working for that asshole.

Maybe after you throw him a good surprise party he will feel like a dick and give you your job back.

Write him a nice (not cynical, non-threatening, not nasty) letter explaining everything (lunchtime, his birthday party, etc.) because you will probably need this man for a reference and you don't want to totally alienate him when new employers call for references. If he is a decent human being, he will feel like a complete shit and hire you back or at least offer to give you a decent reference. (Get a friend to check up on the reference in a week if he is willing to give you one.) If not, at least the company will have a record of "your side of the story." (assuming he forwards your letter to H.R. If he still doesn't hire you back, than he's an asshole and you deserve a better boss anyway. Unfortunately, in the US employment is "at will" so your boss can fire you for any stupid reason. At least it's summer... Try and have a few good days off before hitting the unemployment office. Good Luck!

rcgirl2 11

I would contact the person that's over your ex boss and report him. He can't fire you for talking on your phone while you're on your break.

Like many have said before me, you shouldn't simply get fired by being on the phone during your lunch break. There is either more to this story, or your boss is simply an a-hole. If I were you, I would drop the surprise party, contact human resources or the person above your ex-boss and explain the whole situation, and finally let your ex-boss know that your "fooling around" was preparing him a surprise party DURING your break, and that he can forget about it.

What a dck ur lunch is personal time which he has no rights to call the board of labor they'll take care of it

Hire big ugly strippers to go to his birthday.

TheyCallMeDamien 17

He was going to fire you anyway, that was just his excuse.

I'm a boss - talk to yours , you will probably find out that he is really understanding once you explain the situation . Or you can go the other route and serve him with wrongful dismissal paperwork at his party and that should make him feel like a total tool.

schambers23 4

Wrongful termination as well as harassment suit easily won on this one.