Kinda harsh, don't ya think?

By are you kidding me???? - 20/07/2012 04:58 - United States - Chaplin

Today, my boss fired me for "fooling around" on my phone. I was looking for supplies for a surprise party we are throwing him for his birthday, and I didn't want to do it on my work computer because he has access to our history. Also, this happened during my lunch break. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 383
You deserved it 1 953

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Talk to HR he can't fire you for making personal calls during your lunch break. FYL OP.

nikkimizu 12


idiottttt!!! some bosses are so dumb!!!

Talk to your HR and let them know you were planning a party for the dip shit! Since they will maintain you let the arse hole know why afterwards. He will forever be kissing ur arse w remorse!

Oh yeah! save your call history to redial and prove the call was in his friggin behalf!

Sue the ******. Happy birthday asshole, you've been served!

I would have just told him your were planning something for his birthday now he ruined it

in England there is a place called acas, they give you legal advice about employment, you should Google them. if you're not English then im sure there must be a similar place that you could look up

kazpin 0

Punch him in the face, i would

neans1416 1

Well you surprise him by suing his ass for firing you! He can't do that if your on a break! Whatever you do on your lunch isn't his business!! Get a lawyer and your boss will get his!

I would have said YDI and that you should have been doing that at home and not at work, but I saw that you did this during your lunch hour. I'm glad you cleared that up. In that case, your boss has no right to fire you for something you're doing while off the clock. Sue him.

fatalwish 6

fireing you on your lunch break... there more at work here than you messing around on your phone