
By Anonymous - 20/03/2016 22:46 - Canada - Niagara Falls

Today, while at work, I got a complaint from a guest. She complained that after spending two hours to get her hair done for a wedding, she got drenched with water from a child. I work at a WATER PARK. Thank you for calling me a pathetic asshat for no reason in front of other guests. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 222
You deserved it 1 266

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TheNoNameGuy 20

Fyl OP. She should've worn an asshat if she didn't want her hair wet at a water park.

you shouldn't be at a waterpark if your hairdo takes 2 hours. LMAO


cornwallus24 8

I work in a water park too OP. We have had to put up a "wet floor" sign in an area that is constantly under one inch of water because several people have tried to sue.

shepardkinz 19

She's at a water park. What did she expect to happen?? FYL, OP. I'm sorry you had to put up with such a horrible woman.

Hell if the water didn't mess up her hair, the humidity probably would have, especially if it was an indoor one. What the hell was her rationalization?

Why go to a wAter park with wedding hair

Gee, who would've thought that there was water at Water Water World: The wettest place on Earth?

Once the day of "the client isn't always right" finally comes, sarcasm should be obligatory policy for this show of stupidity

Gets expensive stylist to make my hair beautiful, first thing I do after leaving the salon, go to a ******* water park full of water, chlorine and children who love splashing around. GENIUS