
By Anonymous - 20/03/2016 22:46 - Canada - Niagara Falls

Today, while at work, I got a complaint from a guest. She complained that after spending two hours to get her hair done for a wedding, she got drenched with water from a child. I work at a WATER PARK. Thank you for calling me a pathetic asshat for no reason in front of other guests. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 222
You deserved it 1 266

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TheNoNameGuy 20

Fyl OP. She should've worn an asshat if she didn't want her hair wet at a water park.

you shouldn't be at a waterpark if your hairdo takes 2 hours. LMAO


okay, If she just had her hair done for a wedding, wtf was she doing at a waterpark? shouldn't she be at the... I dunno, the WEDDING maybe??

hoosiergirl94 31

Why would you get your hair done and then go to a water park? That's a waste of money

DeadxManxWalking 27

It sucks that being completely retarded is the new average intelligence.

FalloutScrolls 25

I'm tried to wrap my mind around the rationalization for her complaint basis, but had to stop because I felt an aneurysm coming on.

What color was her hair? I'm just curious, I'm not implying any stereotype or anything like that.

Reihna_fml 14

Shake it off. Never let the stupidity of such an asshat ruin your day.

Some people like complaining, i've seen people try to pet my dog despite my warnings and then complain about him growling. Hopefully you don't get in too much trouble because of her.

What a dumbass! Why is she even at a water park if she doesn't want to get wet?!?!

clearly you were in the wrong op, she shouldn't have been exposed to unwanted water.