
By Anonymous - 20/03/2016 22:46 - Canada - Niagara Falls

Today, while at work, I got a complaint from a guest. She complained that after spending two hours to get her hair done for a wedding, she got drenched with water from a child. I work at a WATER PARK. Thank you for calling me a pathetic asshat for no reason in front of other guests. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 222
You deserved it 1 266

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TheNoNameGuy 20

Fyl OP. She should've worn an asshat if she didn't want her hair wet at a water park.

you shouldn't be at a waterpark if your hairdo takes 2 hours. LMAO


scottishoatmeal 22

Why would you get your hair done for a wedding and then go to a water park?

Made myself an account. I hope this is the comment box. IF it is! Awesome, now I can respond to everyone's comments.