Leave me alone

By LFE - 16/10/2013 04:40 - United States - Liberty Hill

Today, after applying at over 30 businesses over the past 6 months, I have had not one single call. I later find out that I was using my old phone number on the applications, and my secondary phone was my mom's. She thought they were telemarketers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 621
You deserved it 45 447

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If we've learned one thing on this site, it's always double check your resume!

Ah honest mistake, maybe try double checking your information next time! Fyl, OP!


Well, you should have made sure the contact information was correct before you send it out. YDI.

FYL Because your mom's an idiot, but YDI too for not checking you had the right primary number.

wrenavery90 12

I would have been suspicious way way sooner than that.