Leg it

By BobbyHutchinson - 20/10/2009 15:57 - Australia

Today, someone tried to mug me. I panicked and ran. As they chased me with their knife out, I heard a slip and a shout behind me but kept running. Six blocks later I was spotted, arrested, and held for questioning by the police. The mugger fell, stabbed themselves, and told a cop that I did it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 955
You deserved it 2 846

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lack of your fingerprints on the knife should show that you're innocent. I mean, it sucks. But at least they won't be lasting charges. :)

i never get why some people put YDI. There is no way that this person deserves it. So yeah. FYL.


Sounds like a bad day, but at least no one got hurt. Wait... HAHAHAHAHA I forgot. But yeah it still could have been worse for you.

YDI for sucking at grammar Kidding, that really sucks but still- shitty grammar XP

Why didn't OP pull a gun on the mugger? O_o OH RIGHT...sorry, forgot...Australia... :P

mojo143 0

LOL and you live in Australia? I was thinking Oakland maybe. lol or South central at least. sorry mate...FYL

Ramos808 29
hypnOtiszed 0

LMAO. honestly, i think this is fake.. MUGGED IN ADELAIDE ? unless you were walking down hinely street at like midnight on a friday or saturday night then.. its most probs you made this up. btw. i live in adelaide (south australia) and this would be pretty RARE happening (:

australia ? didnt your retarded government ban GUNS ? well at least you dont any crime over there now.

Man that sucks and why would it be fake just because it's in Adelaide, you can get mugged anywhere these days. Adelaide isn't exsactly a crime free city. I'm from Perth and I'll say getting mugged and bashed happens pretty much every day around here. This worlds just become so dodgy.