Leg it

By BobbyHutchinson - 20/10/2009 15:57 - Australia

Today, someone tried to mug me. I panicked and ran. As they chased me with their knife out, I heard a slip and a shout behind me but kept running. Six blocks later I was spotted, arrested, and held for questioning by the police. The mugger fell, stabbed themselves, and told a cop that I did it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 955
You deserved it 2 846

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lack of your fingerprints on the knife should show that you're innocent. I mean, it sucks. But at least they won't be lasting charges. :)

i never get why some people put YDI. There is no way that this person deserves it. So yeah. FYL.


rairai897 0

how could som1 say you possibly deserved that? i dont really see 1 good reason how anyone could deserve almost being mugged and then the mugger hurting themselves and you getting blamed for it, my god some people here r just assholes i guess... anyway, FYL

hudo 0

w8ing for FML today, i tried to mug some guy but he started to run away, chasing after him i felt and stabbed myself. FML

jane99 0

Did the thug call the cops? Why would a thug call the cops?

I wonder if the thug will sue for damages. If you didn't run, he wouldn't have run tripped and fell onto the knife. It's your fault, so your liable.

I really hope you're not a lawyer, doughy.

that is such a ridiculous slippery slope, its like saying 'if you didnt have unprotected sex i wouldnt have gotten pregnant so its your fault i'm suing you for emotional distress and also the cost of raising the baby until its 18'

oh really? that is the biggest bunch of bullshit i have ever read. so, if a robber is holding up a convenience store and i try to escape, resulting in the robber shooting himself in the foot in his haste to shoot me, i'm liable?

Of course he isn't worried about being convicted. It's still pretty ****** up to be detained for questioning just after having successfully escaped a mugger, and it wastes a lot of his time. FYL.

scythera 0

Damn... FYL I would have actually stabbed the asshole

YDI for not having a concealed handgun license and carrying a firearm to protect yourself from the scum of the earth.

shooter308 0

Not too sure, but I think Australia is the same as the UK with gun laws. I don't think guns are legal in the city's. Anyone know for sure?

kelly512 0

Guns are illegal in Australia, unless you need it for your work (like farming or something).

666HailSatan666 0

Guns are unfortunately illegal to posses/carry for self defense purposes... You can thank NCGC, Martin Bryant, John Howard, GCA and other anti-gun propagandists. Alternatives such as Pepper spray, tazers and stun gun's are illegal too. As a matter of fact, if you use/carry anything for self defense in public, you can get charged for possession of an "offensive weapon". I really don't see how our Gun/Weapon control laws make us less like of the USA. There are other countries who take pride in guns (e.g. Switzerland).

I'm pretty sure YOU'RE the scum of the earth you refer to. realize that not everywhere is the US smart alek.

obviously he isn't in jail for assault with a deadly weapon if he was at home sitting on his computer!!!

UWBeautyQueen12 0

Wow you're lucky you weren't stabbed!!!