Leg it
By BobbyHutchinson - 20/10/2009 15:57 - Australia
By BobbyHutchinson - 20/10/2009 15:57 - Australia
By Anonymous - 16/09/2014 14:34 - United States - Wallingford
By sorrystupid - 02/06/2015 07:42 - United States
By Anonymous - 14/02/2013 00:00 - Canada - Coquitlam
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - Netherlands
By kash - 01/06/2015 18:14 - United States - Santa Clara
By rukus - 16/06/2009 03:25 - Canada
By ausmill12 - 19/11/2012 06:18 - United States - Pensacola
By chili - 24/07/2021 04:01
By alo1434 - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States
By Anonymous - 25/12/2021 23:01
hahahah what the ****? this is not true.. IF it were, they would do investigations they're not going to be like, oh yeah that guy says you killed him - LIFE SENTENCE seriously.
Didn't realize he was from Australia. Definitely FYL when your government takes away your right to protect yourself.
FAKE!!!! if it were real then he's telling a story that at least a year old cause that's the min. amount of time he was in jail. if he was in jail for all that time for STABING someone . do ya think he's talking to fml
Who said he got a jail sentence? He was questioned and most likely let off the hook due to a lack of evidence to prove that he did it.
#62, you can't go to jail for STABING someone. sorry.
#66 >.> where the hell do u come from? u can go to prision for assault with a deadly weapon
you cant go to jail for stabing someone cos stabing isn't a word
gave you a "i agree your life sucks" but the mugger should get a YDI serves him right for falling on his own knife. that's funny
I have the benefit of living in a place where the people most likely to attempt to mug someone and end up stabbing themselves would be completely incapable of actually convincing a cop or even a jury that the would-be victim did it to them. It's a mildly comforting feeling, knowing I can kill my attackers in self defense and have no problem proving it was self defense. Around here, you're either a goody two-shoes or a piece of shit with no morals.
Well, that's what you get for using your telekinesis to stab a guy. Douche.
Well, aren't you lucky that your prints aren't on the weapon then? That makes it you're word against his. Unless you were wearing gloves, you're totally in the clear.
Lol nice frag: Mugger oo|===> Mugger
Lack of your fingerprints on the knife should show that you're innocent. I mean, it sucks. But at least they won't be lasting charges. :)
i never get why some people put YDI. There is no way that this person deserves it. So yeah. FYL.