
By Anonymous - 10/06/2022 00:00

Today, after years of telling my sister she's crazy for thinking our parents have been playing favorites all our lives, with me being the favorite, I saw in their will I got the house, both cars, and all their money. Meanwhile, all she got mom's old clothes, "if she can fit in them." FML
I agree, your life sucks 890
You deserved it 482

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope you’re not like your parents and show your sister your love by sharing with her

Sell anything you can't share\don't want, split the proceeds, and offer her first pick of whatever she wants. Your parents may have been asses, but you and your sister can split custody of the cat and fine china.


I hope you’re not like your parents and show your sister your love by sharing with her

Sell anything you can't share\don't want, split the proceeds, and offer her first pick of whatever she wants. Your parents may have been asses, but you and your sister can split custody of the cat and fine china.

Hey, at least she's not crazy! We can only guess at what both of you have done to merit such a lopsided distribution of swag.

Give her first pick of cars, sell what you can, split the cash 50-50 and divvy the rest up schoolyard pick style, only this time, you get first pick. Easy as pie. Then go take a few bucks from Mom and Dad and go have some pie together.

bidet 9

From a tax perspective, that's terrible advice. Property inherited through probate is tax-free so long as it doesn't exceed a certain value. Selling that property immediately after inheriting it does not create a taxable event, either. But giving half of the sale proceeds to another who did not inherit it does trigger a taxable event. Consult with an accountant or tax specialist before doing anything.

Usually when parents divide their estate so unevenly, there is a reason. Every story has another side… Your parents had the right to do with their estate as they choose - It was theirs to decide. You are not obligated to share your inheritance, there may have been reasons for what they did and those may have been good or bad reasons. likewise it is up to you to do with your inheritance as you choose. If you choose to share with your sister, that’s generous but don’t feel compelled to do so until you better understand why your parents did this. It says good things about you that you want to share with your sister - There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. But don’t let sister manipulate you - If you do so let it be of your choice.

If the parents are still alive and you saw the will because they showed it to you, I think a few questions should be asked about the disbursements in the will. Maybe they'll have an answer for the extremely-lopsided will...

kitten79TX 5

Once you get it all, it'll be yours to do with as you want. You COULD be nice and share.