Legged it

By poserpilot - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - El Cajon

Today, I woke up after a night of drinking to find that while I was passed out someone stole my prosthetic leg. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 768
You deserved it 6 760

Same thing different taste

Top comments

loserboii 11

You sure someone isn't pulling your leg?

Are you sure? You might've just misplaced it. Drunk people tend to do that.


At least you know someone was drunker than you...

No just no -_- quit while you're ahead… or at least as ahead as you will be

Junebugscanfly 2

You should get a lock for that thing

Shadowvoid 33

You walked right into that one by drinking so much, err i guess you crawled out alive though.

Just because someone is drunk doesn't give anyone else the right to steal from him, so I don't think it's his fault.

Dude people suck. I heard those are expensive, I hope you can get another one.

This must be the only FML story involving OP getting smashed where I can't say you deserve it! Who's stupid enough to go and steal someone's leg. That's just f*cked up. I'm sorry for you.

I'm sorry to hear that. Some people can be real assholes

they should Install some sort of low Jack on those cause the aren't cheap and people really need those. sorry dude