Legged it

By poserpilot - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - El Cajon

Today, I woke up after a night of drinking to find that while I was passed out someone stole my prosthetic leg. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 766
You deserved it 6 760

Same thing different taste

Top comments

loserboii 11

You sure someone isn't pulling your leg?

Are you sure? You might've just misplaced it. Drunk people tend to do that.


Are you serious? He deserved having his expensive prosthetic leg stolen from him because he was drinking? And who are you to say that he shouldn't have been?

Who thinks "boy i need a prosthetic leg"

iBiteRoses 22

By the way, I was just moderating the FML submissions and I came across "Today, I woke up after a night of drinking, holding a prosthetic leg. FML"

This kinda reminds me of that song "Detachable Penis", where the guy wakes up missing his junk. :p If you follow the same adventure he did to reclaim his ****, you'll end up 2 blocks away, haggling over its repurchase price from a street vendor and settling on forking over $18.90. ;) Best of luck to you, Op. :)

How come in this drinking FML it's fyl but any other drinking fml it would be ydi. Is it only because he/she has a prosthetic leg?

No.. It's because he/she doesn't have a prosthetic leg. Which means they now need to rely on crutches or a wheel chair to get around. The leg is expensive and fit to his leg already and will do no-one else any good. Whoever took it, took it to be a jackass. If someone takes your phone or wallet when you're drunk, they take it because it has value.

104 - it's not like OP just lost a wallet. I imagine it's pretty easy to forget about the feeling of a wallet in your pocket and leave it somewhere but I'm pretty sure you'd notice as soon as your leg went missing.

Probably not stolen, OP just lost it somewhere while passed out.