Let down

By heartbreakkid21 - 14/05/2009 15:22 - United States

Today, I was on a date with this girl I actually like. The date was going really well and it seemed like it would be a good night. While in the movie theater, I went to hold her hand and instead she gave me a hand shake and said, "You're so funny, I'm so glad we're friends". FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 196
You deserved it 5 620

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lol, owned at least she was nice and took it in stride it could have been worse. She could have jumped back disgusted and screamed "WHAT THE HELL!? WHY ARE YOU TOUCHING ME!?! RAAAAAAAPPPPPEEEEEE!!!"

Sucks. Sounds like both of you had a different idea of what was going on...


I'm with #24 and #76. LOL @ http://xkcd.com/513/ ... Sad but true.

@ #90: I'm not sure how being a jerk to the girl makes her like you as more than a friend (?), but being clear about your intentions is helpful.

justxmyxluck 0

"With this girl i actually like." xD

alexgisforme3 0

what the **** lol boy you gotta tell her that its a date, silly!!! or wait did she already know? LOL she be backin up hahaha. my guy "friend" holds my hand sometimes but we never go out or anything loool.

Shannn 0

Not too bad, since she was nice.

I predict she was unsure of herself, didn't realize you wanted to hold her hand, and meant she was really glad you were friends, which does NOT rule out romantic developments.

nobody dates the funny guy...I should know

sarcrl 0

She probably had an idea of what you were doing, and that was their way of saying no thanks.