Let me out!

By bananaman - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom

Today, I've been on the same train for two hours at a standstill due to "signal problems". We can't get off because it's "unsafe." I'm on my way home from work and I can see my house through the window. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 208
You deserved it 3 329

Top comments

They need to get their stuff on track. Tee hee

tans_fml 0

sounds only mildly torturous...


perdix 29

Obviously, you live in a dangerous neighborhood.

I know that you're the king of the beavers. I put owls in your gravy :3

InvisibleReign 0

Well, most accidents happen within close range of home, so maybe they are just looking out for your safety. Or they just want to **** with your day (:

Palmless 0

You are in London, infamous for being the most dangerous city in the galaxy.. I heard you're guaranteed to get shot at least twice while living there.

KiddNYC1O 20
gutzz 0

Flint.... you all fail. Please hand in your trolling cards at the door.

gutzz 0

I don't know, but if so, it only further proves my point that nothing good comes out of that town.

#21 new Orleans isn't that dangerous! I live near there im still alive and never got shot!

lol you guys those Michigan cities are not dangerous to me, maybe scary but I live here and have been to Flint and Detroit and I haven't gotten shot.. sorry

TheDrifter 23

Ooh you've been there? Really? I grew up in South Central Los Angeles, plenty of people have "been here" but they don't leave the interstate if they can avoid it and never stop anywhere but the tourist restaurants and motels. That's not the real city, just the veneer it puts on for outsiders. Detroit, DC, NYC and LA all have a higher violent death rate than Bagdad or anywhere in Afghanistan. It's safer to be stationed in Kandahar than to live in any of those American cities.

fluffy_nuggets 0

Obviously somebody doesn't get sarcasm lol it's ok :D

not to mention Compton and the city with all the crap in libya

gabrielleangeliq 0

NYC isn't that bad anymore. Bloomberg cleaned us up pretty good. We are 32 on the list of the most violent cities in the USA last time I checked.

thank you all for making me contemplate canceling my holiday to the US. I just googled 'most dangerous cities in the WORLD', a few american cities came up. then 'america', so many sites came up with lists that varied, then Australia... we didn't even have one!

kierikatastrophe 0

I've been to Detroit a lot ,some parts are not ad bad as you'd think

Every body knows Salt Lake City is clearly the most dangerous City in the Galaxy! The Mormons won't leave you alone until you give in and convert, or until you are pushed to the edge and kill yourself!!

lol melbourne is indeed a great place! we don't have places to 'avoid'. I'm still scared... I've always been scared to travel out of Australia with my bloke. He isn't scared of anything, and that might get us in trouble! lol he has already nearly been in trouble in America when he walked down a street he shouldn't have and refused to give a smoke to someone lol

yeah the tube sucks, :( I'm sorry. I remember when the district line was closed every weekend due to strikes

Awh, don't worry, you'll get home eventually ;$

Echo963 1