Life imitates art

By awkwardsituation - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I watched a stray dog hump a garden gnome in my front yard. So did my two year-old daughter. I've already had to stop her "re-enactments" twice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 757
You deserved it 4 980

Top comments

iSitt 0

it's the next travelocity commercial

jrkarikas 0

YDI for having an easy garden gnome.


@59, u can't have 3 halves u moron lol

#93, way to fail at catching a South Park reference.

ilovejonathan13 0

Better watch out, your little girls learning skills a bit early. :p

niquii 0

wooo! pelvic thrusting to the max

holy cow this is great try explaining that to her future husband when i was 2 I humped a garden gnome multiple times

ahh yes life lessons. well you saved yourself from the birds and the bees talk FYL

As Ellis would say, "Is this thing humpin' me!?" Congratulations, OP, your daughter's become a jockey.

ilikepieanddylan 0

good now she knows what to do when I find her o___•