Life imitates art

By awkwardsituation - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I watched a stray dog hump a garden gnome in my front yard. So did my two year-old daughter. I've already had to stop her "re-enactments" twice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 757
You deserved it 4 980

Top comments

iSitt 0

it's the next travelocity commercial

jrkarikas 0

YDI for having an easy garden gnome.


sweeney18 0

aha WTF. did she enjoy it.? ;D

anlhawks 5

tell her she has to wait til she's 18 to do that

italianboy_fml 0
emilyk123 0

wow u should control your daughter

outside_dinosaur 0

ermm why where you watching it lol? is it like one of those things where is so disgusting you just can't turn away. Also, kids mimic what they see and hear, it's just how it is :) invite some friends over and laugh your ass off (:

haha wow that sucks fyl little kids do everything they see other people or in ur case animals do lol

Wait, did your daughter reanact useing other people? or did she just hump air?

JokeMeister 0

Shoulda thrown something at him to show both that's not cool. Don't overreact to baby, or she will do it to make you make that funny sound.