Life imitates art

By awkwardsituation - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I watched a stray dog hump a garden gnome in my front yard. So did my two year-old daughter. I've already had to stop her "re-enactments" twice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 757
You deserved it 4 980

Top comments

iSitt 0

it's the next travelocity commercial

jrkarikas 0

YDI for having an easy garden gnome.


loki09 4

That must be one sexy garden gnome you have. ;) Seriously though, that's hysterical. Kids are funny. :D

That gnome is such a ****, seriously, man.

LOL Hilarious, and honestly not all that unexpected. Most kids have "special" teddy bears, blankies, pillows, or other toys- and we can now add "garden gnomes" to that list! Really, this isn't uncommon, people, there's no need to freak out. Go ahead and ask YOUR parents, unless you're too damn chicken to face the fact that you likely did something like this, too! :P

klutz87 0

haha my dog humped my cousin who is 3 years old and now he'll run around saying peyton ride my back.... oh and it gets better he'll get on all fours and walk around with his butt in the air kids do the darndest things

needsagf14 12

wow I really hate saying I'm from nc

bigbearjuicy 0

you should hav covered ur kids eyes

Why the **** can't children choose proper things to emulate!? Jesus Christ, they always ******* pick expletives and sex acts to repeat.