Life imitates art

By awkwardsituation - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I watched a stray dog hump a garden gnome in my front yard. So did my two year-old daughter. I've already had to stop her "re-enactments" twice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 757
You deserved it 4 980

Top comments

iSitt 0

it's the next travelocity commercial

jrkarikas 0

YDI for having an easy garden gnome.


megannicole23 0
tbonea1990 0
sheribb 5
sk8trzero53 0

think about it, itl be a pretty hilarious story to tell her when shes older :P, i loled XD. also this should be in kids or miscellaneous section not intimacy, just sayin :)

B4DR0M4NC3 0

my dog says he feels violated from u and your daughter watching him hump ur gnome

Peytonlikesme 0

*** yea. I wunna b humped!! Anyone interested. I'm a HOT chick

CaliSurferGurl 0